Week 3 Day 1: First Inkling

Having worked in a remotely distributed environment previously, I have had the privilege to experience the flexibility and individual workstyle such an arrangement can afford. Yet, in order to take advantage of that privilege, there are a few essential items that need to be discussed first:

  1. Attitude – have a positive outlook and mentality! Being positive projects into all aspects of life, including interaction – especially important for a webcam / Skype / email type of communication! And, not to forget: having that positive attitude will, no doubt, help you overcome the inevitable slump or hick-up on this new journey!
  2. Responsibility – it is up to you to get motivated, stay engaged and be responsible for your own schedule to get the work done and do the right thing!
  3. Accountability – you are the master of your own domain. Projects, work, engagement rises and falls with you – own it!
  4. Need for self organization – working remotely requires a strong need for self organization and self motivation; to get started in the morning, drive for progress every day, stay on top of things, keep involved with the team and the organization!

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