Category Archives: Uncategorized

Week 4 Day 2: I am not alone – Part 2

To add on to the previous post, I feel it needs a little bit more of the employee side, or rather solopreneur or freelancer aspect!

So, in my quest to step over the edge, I had been doing a lot of research prior to actually doing the deed (yes, by the way, that is an absolute must in your preparation steps, including building up a financial cushion to support your transition phase, but that is another topic all together to come later).

In my research, I ran across a growing number of individuals and even business models that thoroughly embrace the concept of remote or telecommuting. And the movement is growing!

I will start to list my treasured finds as I come across them on this blog as well. Maybe, they provide the last incentive for your ambitions to step over the edge!

If you find anything that would be worthwhile including in that list, or just want to offer up some of your feedback or revelations, please comment and share!

Week 4 Day 1: I am not alone!

Up until recently, I was fairly convinced that the thought of going it alone professionally was a fairly unique, or at least, not very common thought / concept.

Well, for the great news, it ain’t so! :) Excuse my language.

Within the traditional environment, there are a few companies out there that actually are beginning to embrace the concept of a “Green Day”; an idea of not commuting to an arbitrary office location for at least parts of a given work week, and instead, working from the home office. There is a realization that this not only benefits the employee, but to an equal amount, the employer as well.

Points at the top of that employer list are: increase in productivity, happiness, employee engagement and ultimately, yes, the old fashioned concept of loyalty!

While it may not be openly advertised, or endorsed just yet, it certainly is worthwhile to bring up the topic in your next review or performance meeting! Especially if the annual raise or merit review may not materialize, initiating a conversation around telecommuting may be just that “bonus” both sides are willing to entertain.

Week 3 Day 1: First Inkling

Having worked in a remotely distributed environment previously, I have had the privilege to experience the flexibility and individual workstyle such an arrangement can afford. Yet, in order to take advantage of that privilege, there are a few essential items that need to be discussed first:

  1. Attitude – have a positive outlook and mentality! Being positive projects into all aspects of life, including interaction – especially important for a webcam / Skype / email type of communication! And, not to forget: having that positive attitude will, no doubt, help you overcome the inevitable slump or hick-up on this new journey!
  2. Responsibility – it is up to you to get motivated, stay engaged and be responsible for your own schedule to get the work done and do the right thing!
  3. Accountability – you are the master of your own domain. Projects, work, engagement rises and falls with you – own it!
  4. Need for self organization – working remotely requires a strong need for self organization and self motivation; to get started in the morning, drive for progress every day, stay on top of things, keep involved with the team and the organization!